Colorado Grant Guide Support

User Guide

Need some help navigating and understanding Colorado Grants Guide®? This user’s guide might help you find what you need.

Renew Your Subscription

Need to renew your subscription? Follow the link below. This will add 12-months to your current subscription.


Check out resources, tools and opportunities for grant writing, nonprofit capacity building, and organization support.

Email if there is something you would like to include.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about the Colorado Grants Guide? Here are some frequently asked questions that will help you better understand what the Colorado Grants Guide has to offer, how to use the searchable database, and the updates that we have recently made to create a smoother, better experience for subscribers.

Glossary of Terms

Learn the meaning behind the different terms used in the Funder and Grant profiles.

Colorado Common Grant Forms

The Common Grant Application and Common Grant Report allow Colorado grantmakers and grantseekers to work from a common set of questions that reinforce solid nonprofit practices. At the same time, the CGA and CGR save grantseekers time and effort by enabling them to use a single form for many different applications and reports. Please be aware that grantmakers may accept one of these forms but not all three. Learn which grantmakers accept which form(s).

Submit Feedback

Having issues? Discovered a bug on the website? Have a great idea for the future of the Grants Guide? Or want to provide feedback on the new website? Submit a feedback form.

Volunteer Opportunity

The Colorado Grants Guide® Research Volunteers help develop and manage the Colorado Grants Guide® by updating the live database and researching funders who provide support to Colorado nonprofits and communities.