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User Guide

Need some help navigating and understanding Colorado Grants Guide®? This grant user’s guide might help you find what you need. Click the categories below to find a step-by-step explanation of how to search the database, how to use each function and feature, and a section-by-section breakdown of what each funder profile contains.

Have Questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions Page.

Research Management Functions

Where to Begin

There are a few different ways to start your search for funders and grants:

  1. Click ‘Search’ in the top bar and type in a funder, word, or multiple terms to narrow the funder and grant lists. Results will show up alphabetically and include all results that reference any of the words searched. If you would like to find a specific funder or term, use quotations around the segment – for example “The Denver Foundation”.
  2. Select ‘Funders’ or ‘Grants’ in the top bar to search more specifically within these profiles by keywords or filter by geographic area, grant type, application deadline, program focus, and more. On the left side toolbar you can search by a funder, a word, or multiple terms.
  3. From your ‘Dashboard’ search for funders and grants by keywords, names, geographic locations, and more. Please note that the search function only appears in your ‘Dashboard’ if you do not have any funders or grants saved.
How to setup and edit your ‘Dashboard’

Being able to save a grant to the dashboard is a feature included in the Nonprofit, Business/Individual, and Municipal/Government subscriptions.

You can add a funder or grant to your Dashboard by clicking the star in the right panel of the profile. After you click this, the star will be filled in. To view your full list, click on ‘Dashboard’ at the top.

To remove a funder from your Dashboard, click on the star to the left of the funder or grant name.

How to save a Funder or Grant

Being able to save a grant is a feature included in the Nonprofit, Business/Individual, and Municipal/Government subscriptions.

You can save a funder or grant to your Dashboard by clicking the star in the right panel of the profile. After you click this, the star will be filled in. To view your saved profiles, click on ‘Dashboard’ at the top.

To remove a funder from your Dashboard, click on the star to the left of the funder or grant name and unsave grant or funder.

How to set an “Alert”

The Alert feature is included in the Nonprofit, Business/Individual, and Municipal/Government subscriptions. This sends an automated email to you on the date specified. You can use this to remind yourself of an upcoming deadline, to check back for updates, etc.

On every Funder and Grant profile page, you will see this capability in the righthand panel. Click the plus sign to set a new alert or click the edit icon to edit an existing one. You can specify a date and a title for the Alert.

The automated email will include the Alert Title, Grant or Funder name, and a link to the profile.

If you prefer to turn off these emails for any reason, you can do so in your Account Settings. Go to Notifications and toggle the Alerts to OFF.

How to use and edit “Notes”

The “Notes” feature is included in the Nonprofit, Business/Individual, and Municipal/Government subscriptions. The “Notes” function allows you to add notes to a profile which only you can see. You can use this feature to track when you apply to a funder, additional things that you found in your research, and to track your communications and relationship with the funder.

To utilize the “Notes”, select ‘edit note’ on the right panel and enter your notes, click “Save.” A notification will show up at the bottom of your screen that says “Note Updated”. This note will now appear in the profile and on your dashboard.

Colorado Grants Guide User Tutorial

Funder Profile Content Sections

Funder Type

Each funder is assigned to one of seven categories to help you distinguish the funding source type. These categories are:

  • Colorado Foundations and Trusts
  • National Foundations
  • Government Agencies
  • Corporations
  • Pre-Select
  • Loans
  • Other

For more information on what types of specific organizations can be found in each category, visit the Glossary Page.


The Employer Identification Number (EIN) can be useful for researching the funder on Guidestar, Foundation Center, and other websites. Using this number ensures you are viewing the correct organization.

Last Updated

The “time stamp,” located on the left-hand section of the profile, indicates when the profile was last updated by the CRC Research Team and approved by the Funder.

Geographic Focus

This section lists the geographic areas the organization funds. Geographic designations include: International, National, Multi-State, Colorado Statewide, Metro Denver, and individual Colorado counties.

In some cases, funders only support organizations located in their geographic area of interest. Other times, funders support organizations that provide services to those communities, regardless of where they are located. This information is generally specified elsewhere in the profile (usually the RESTRICTIONS section).

Areas of Interest

These represent the funder’s funding areas. Selected focus areas will result in a list of funders or grants that include any profile that references any of the terms selected.


This section summarizes the funder’s mission and/or the purpose of its grant making program.

Grant Opportunities

Within the Funder profiles you can find a list of the grants that they have available. Select on a grant to learn more.

Grant Types

This describes the type of support the funder provides. The available options are:

  • Project/Program Support
  • General Operating Support
  • Capital Improvement/Purchase
  • Challenge/Matching
  • Technical Assistance
  • Emergency Loans

For more information about what each grant type includes, please visit the Glossary Page.

Application Dates

Each grant profile lists the application deadline(s) for full proposals. The deadline will be displayed as a month and date (i.e. September 1) or the profile might not include a date. If this is the case visit the funder profile to learn more.

Application Criteria

Here you will find a summary of the application process. This section is designed to give you an idea of what is required but is not always comprehensive. It will indicate whether applications should be submitted via mail, fax, email, or an online system, if deadlines are postmark  or “receive by” deadlines, and the basic information that must be provided in the application.

Application Details

This section provides other useful details related to the funder’s granting process and indicates where you should look for additional information. If a box is checked, the statement at right applies.

“Accepted Year-Round,” “Does Not Accept Unsolicited Proposals,” or “Contact Funder/Visit Website for Deadline.”

“Does Not Accept Unsolicited Proposals” usually means that the funder requires applicants to complete a preliminary step (complete an eligibility quiz, submit a LOI, respond to a Request for Proposal, or make contact with its staff) before submitting a full proposal. Funders that do not have competitive grantmaking processes will be categorized as “Pre-Select.”

“Contact Funder/Visit Website for Deadline” usually means one of three things:

  • The funder has a variety of programs and it is too difficult for us to accurately distinguish between their distinct deadlines.
  • The deadline had not been released at the time the profile was updated.
  • The funder does not publicly release its deadlines and requires interested applicants to inquire about submission timelines.

LOI Deadlines

This section will only appear if the funder requires a Letter of Intent, and lists the deadline(s) for their submission. The deadline will be displayed as a month and date (i.e. September 1) or the profile will state “Accepted Year-Round.” If there are multiple deadlines, please read the rest of the profile to determine if these indicate multiple cycles or are submission deadlines for different programs.


Many funders have strict eligibility guidelines, which will be listed here. This section will generally include information about eligible entities and/or activities as well as what the funder will not support. For government programs: if the recipient organization is required to match funds awarded, that information eligible match information is also generally noted here.

Past Grantees

These grantees were chosen as a sample from the most recently available list of grants awarded by the funder. Our Research Team tries to choose grantees to be featured in the profile that span various areas of interest, geographic areas, and grant amounts.


This section is a snapshot summary of the funder’s financials. It provides some context for the grants awarded in Colorado by listing the organization’s fair market value of assets and the number of grants given in Colorado in relation to all grants awarded.

The link at the bottom will direct you to the funder’s most recent IRS Form 990, financial statement, list of grantees, or annual report.


The contact information included in this section is for the person, team, or department which receives grant applications. If the funder receives applications via mail, the address listed here is the mailing address for applications.

Have questions? Email guide@crcamerica.org.